2 August 2007

The Sun Glorifies Terrorism!

The Sun has on many occasions glorified (state) terrorism.
This fact should be assimilated.
In other words it does exactly what others are not allowed to do.

There are other reasons why I don't like The Sun.
One is that it thinks it speaks for the average English person and that it's finger is on the pulse of the nation. I won't even bother discussing this.
They say there is a demand for the type of news coverage they provide.
Now if The Sun did not exist there would not be armies of people banging on the doors of Fleet Street demanding that a dirt rag sheet be produced for them without delay.

T S Eliot: “Those who aim to give the public what the public wants begin by underestimating the public taste, and end by debauching it.”

As for Page 3. It's not the fact that there is a pair of tits every morning on Page 3 that's the problem. This could even get boring.
It is, as has been pointed out by others, the utter sexism inherent in the whole package that is Page 3 and what it entails.

The Sun seems to want to debase and degrade; it wants us to celebrate our boorishness and ignorance; to be a slob and proud of it.

To be the perfect thoughtless automaton consumer.

Mind you The Sun is very funny sometimes.

Found the headline to the story about Brian May of Queen fame getting his Ph.d. very amusing: "Is thesis the real life or is thesis just fantasy?" Very droll. Maybe they should rename the newspaper The Pun.

But everything is a joke to them.
And the degenerates who write for the rag spout such quasi-fascist childish shite.

The Sun claims to have a dear place in the nation's heart etc...Bullshit.

"The Sun - We Love It" they claimed in their sexist adverts about tits. "No We Fucking Don't" :)

"The Sun" in its present form is a few decades old and is in no way a national institution.

It's a load of right wing shite. The English people aren't inherently right wing.
If The Sun thinks it speaks for England I think it's wrong.
I don't recognise the English people's views in it's view of the world.

The Sun exudes English cheekiness and quirkiness and humour. Maybe so.
England has always had that element in its press. Maybe so.
But The Sun in particular often has a vicious streak in its coverage that I don't recognise as English, and that is not English.


There are two things to be said in The Sun's defence:

i) It's persual of Nazi war criminals and
ii) It's attack on Islamofascism.