If a miracle happened and I was offered an OBE for services to something I would simply say to her:
I do not want a fecking Order of the fecking British Empire because there is no such fecking thing as the fecking British Empire end of fecking story, ya hoor sor!
The British Empire does not exist.
Therefore it is apart from anything else highly silly to award people with awards called Orders of the British Empire, or with any awards referring to this non-existent institution.
When Spile Milligan was offered an OBE he said, "I would rather have got the OMK - The Order of Milton Keynes. Because at least Milton Keynes exists."
I do not want a fecking Order of the fecking British Empire because there is no such fecking thing as the fecking British Empire end of fecking story, ya hoor sor!
The British Empire does not exist.
Therefore it is apart from anything else highly silly to award people with awards called Orders of the British Empire, or with any awards referring to this non-existent institution.
When Spile Milligan was offered an OBE he said, "I would rather have got the OMK - The Order of Milton Keynes. Because at least Milton Keynes exists."