14 September 2012


Befor anywun thinks I have sum kind ov problem with the Inglish langwidge.... I just wont to try to balance things owt in a tiknee way with this post..... :)


2 logically spelt AND very essential and useful concepts AND words that have been exported to every culture and probably every major language in the world......

They did not exist - as distinct words in these forms at least - before these "Coinings" and also are both from Ancient Greek in origin - like many important European words. :)

[BOTH "coined" by Angelic Englishpeople .....  :)]

AGNOSTIC coined by Thomas Henry Huxley (1825 – 1895) and UTOPIA by Thomas More (1478 – 1535).....

Thanks to them you can chose to simply be "AGNOSTIC about UTOPIA".....:)

6 August 2012

"An Embarrassment to Democracy".

In March 2012, a group of 240 doctors, including 30 professors, wrote to the The Independent describing Tory NHS "reforms" as an "embarrassment to democracy" which had "no support from professional healthcare organisations."


3 August 2012

Tuition Fees are crushing the hope out of a generation

In the latest issue of "GREEN WORLD" there is an amazing article by David McQueen of the Green Party.

Its subtitle is :


All the more WOW given the fact that it is really a very accurate assessment.

One of my fave details about this whole debate -  that is never spared to those who know my foam in person :) - is that JOHN MAJOR to his great credit REFUSED to introduce fees for Uni as this would preclude people from some backgrounds from fully entering into society. It took the Left Wing War Criminal BLAIR to truly destroy English society's post-war University culture.


"The Silence of the Lambs".

English students are always angry about the situation as compared to Scotland.
They always say they want fees gone like in Scotland.
And yet the media portray it as a question of Scotland needing to "hurry up", "get into line" and "charge fees."

2 August 2012

The Unreadable Splodge.

Continued discussion of the book "Reformation" by Dermott McCulloch. Which of course is not that bad really!

To return to a discussion of the "unreadable splodge" referred to elsewhere - there is extensive and over-wrought discussion of the significance of the word "Catholic" - a necessity in this topic.

Nowhere are the following two facts simply stated.

 i) It is a Greek word simply meaning "Universal."

ii) The word appears (effectively on its own) in the Nicene Creed of 325 AD.

Neither is it stated clearly that the term and concept "Reformation" come directly from the Catholic/Universalist tradition - "semper reformandum."

It hardly needs to be said that this book shows a degree of bias. Most pointedly with regard to events in Renaissance England.

It may be more helpful to talk of "Universalists" and "Dissenters"; as much as "Catholics" and "Protestants".



I am now much more of a cultural Christian. If I have a sympathy for Catholicism it is merely out of a desire for unity and humanity, rather than any kind of dogma.

11 June 2012

Ironing out the Ironies of Professor Antoknee A C Kerching

Reflections on a "Feemonger"....

Genuinely saintly humanist A. C. Grayling ("Kerching")'s new university is at the moment concerned with making money to some extent.
An irony is he is very pro-atheist.
Oxford and Cambridge were granted their licenses to teach independently of the Church by the Pope and hence are sort of religious foundations in origin.
Medieval universities were never concerned in any major way with making money when they were founded and not for a long time afterwards. On the contrary they were an attempt to escape from worldliness to some degree.

By the way the writing of Antony as "Antoknee" is not just humor. It is a way of pointing out AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN that the English language NEEDS SPELLING REFORM like HUMANS NEED WATER TO LIVE!!
Why does the word KNEE have a "K" in it at all?

I wouldn't pay a penny to any educational institution whose medium was English in present form.
As I say - I would NEVER EVER teach ANYONE English in present form.

It could appear that in his consideration of the question of university funding - only Oxbridge and US Universities are mentioned. The question of university funding in the rest of the Solar System or even the rest of the Galaxy does not feature in the discussion.
He says that "Oxbridge" charges too little and is only charging such a small amount because it is still officially state-funded etc.
Hence he undermines the idea of state higher education across the board.

By the way - the education of children and the question of philosophy at school don't seem of great importance either.

5 June 2012

Not a lot of people know this.....


These are LATIN terms.

In English they could be rendered as MAN SKILFUL, MAN ERECT, MAN WISE...

Note that the Latin terms maintain the SEPARATION of the elements involved. ....

The (more Germanic) constructions

"homosexuality" "psychopathology" "neuroscience" "psychotherapy" "psychiatry"........

.....include TWO elements combined into ONE word.

In my opinion, there are often TWO elements that CANNOT be combined in any way - and hence certainly not into ONE word in a healthy way.

(Germanic languages supposedly are more amenable to science due to this facility with SYNTHETIC language - id est combining concepts or words into ONE word. Whilst this can be helpful it can perhaps lead to major conceptual error in my opinion.....).....

Language does matter.

To take "homosexuality" - this comes from the GREEK "homo" = "same" + "sexuality" etc.

By the way, "homo" is LATIN for "[hu]man".
And "homo" is GREEK for "same, equal, like, similar" (Opposite of "Hetero" - "different").

[Possible sauce :) of confusion.]



All of which reminds me of the "KISS" principle.....

K.I.S.S. "Keep It Simple, Son" - is often a good principle. :D

Simplicity should not be a pejorative element in things necessarily.....

"Keep things as simple as possible - but no simpler" (Albert Einstein). Good science! ......


(Incidentally, one can't help see the similarity between the phenomenon of "squashing" two words together into one as described above, and features of Orwell's invented dystopic language "Newspeak"......)...

4 June 2012

Sex Worker Pride Marches.

I have never ever been to a "Gay Pride" march, which seems to be one of the only regular
festivals in a modern city.
It makes me sad to reflect that Gay Pride marches are one of the few regular and prominent festivals that exist in modern cities.

I never ever attend - for various reasons.

Sex workers are an even more ubiquitous and even more necessary part of the world than homosexuality.
But when will we have regular Sex Worker Pride Marches to defend and celebrate sex workers?

Full legalization of sex work is the way forward.
No consensual sex acts should be illegal.
This is after all the same principle that allowed for the legalization of homosexuality.
This principle that no consenting sex act should be prohibited is after all the principle that allows many people to tolerate the behavior of homosexuality.
It is applicable a fortiori in the case of sex work.






It is a measure of how totally and utterly (metaphorically) sick our "society" is that a "Heterosexual Pride March" would probably be a) banned as pornography and b) poorly supported and, c) condemned as discriminatory.

Because of the encroachment and oppressive domination of some misguided forms of feminism and the ideology of homosexual rights, it seems to be that Heterosexual Pride Marches are maybe even needed, such is the battering that mere normality has been forced to take.

Yes, I am for full toleration of homosexuality but I am against "Gay Pride" marches as I feel that they are an imposition of a minority's behaviour onto society as a whole.
I feel that Gay Pride marches are an example of a tyranny of a minority.

Why should anyone have to share in a supposed pride in a behaviour that they may not approve of?
It is perfectly OK for gay people to feel proud of their behaviours if they want to - but why should they feel a need to impose this pride on society as a whole?
That is precisely what is done at Gay Pride marches. Homosexuality is imposed on everyone. There is no room for dissent from approval of it.

I wouldn't agree with people marching against homosexuality in supposed "Shame" marches either as I believe that homosexuality should be tolerated.
However, whilst I do believe that homosexuality should be tolerated by society and state, I do not believe it should be illegal to express disapproval of homosexuality either.


29 May 2012

Sofa is back on the Nut

The Sofa is back on the Inter Nut.

Joining you again all on the blogging and internut community *big hugs* - feels more real than any other community I am supposed to be in.
Though of course it is not.

Anyway, after having tried some other options I am back on here laying down the blogs. After trying some other options and realizing that they aren't options - and nor is blogging - I am back.

Hardcore and harsh ranting certainly will not. And after about 7 goes at "Twitter" there will be no return to the rollercoaster of bullshit.

Citizen Sofa.



I have now returned to the rollercoaster of bullshit. If only just to keep an eye on it.


June 2017.

For 99.99% per cent of human existence cars did not exist!

I was thinking the other day of how much I hate cars - depending on the definition. In fact I think all the time about how much I hate cars. Because I do. I fucking hate them basically.
Well I often feel bad about it for a few moments because our domination by these accurse`d objects seems to be to some extent inevitable.
And then I remember a fact that even seems forgotten by the most ardent opponents of these evil lumps of shit. For 99.99% of human history they simply did not exist at all.