30 January 2011

IF the present King of Spain

IF the present King of Spain was the "Supreme Governor" of an entity called "The Church of Castile";
and had all "spiritual authority" within that Church;
 if everyone in his family had to belong to "The Church of Castile";
if this church was the established church and had by right members of its clergy in the Upper House of the Parliament of The Kingdom of Spain;


The whole world would be disgusted as would and should be the people of Spain.....


It is a point of PRINCIPLE - and an INTELLECTUAL POINT!

Do people have PRINCIPLES or INTELLECTS any more?

It is quite unacceptable for a reigning living political figure - in this case a Monarch - who still technically in many ways has absolute power - to be the head of a church - and supposedly a Christian church....

25 January 2011

Now I want to actually start to study philosophy

I repeat - because I feel the need to - that I regard almost everything I say here as EXTREMELY OBVIOUS and that now I would like to actually start to study some philosophy.

24 January 2011

Interesting quote by Michèle Le Doeuff

‎"But my authors, Thomas More and Francis Bacon, are completely neglected by philosophers.
That's part of a wider problem in England, namely the lack of interest in the history of philosophy as such."

Michèle Le DOEUFF, French feminist philosopher, c.1991.

11 January 2011

Not much more than an historical accident....?

The "right to bear arms"'s inclusion in the U.S. Constitution is probably not much more than an historical accident....

There is in the English "Bill of Rights" of 1689 a statement of a "right to bear arms" - for Protestants only I should add!....

Would people seriously attempt to reintroduce or invoke this?
Even if they were in some way pro-gun ownership?....


The ostensible reason for its sacredness is the necessity for a "people" to have the means to overthrow a "government" that represents a tyranny........


In republics like the USA the "people" are (at least supposed in theory to be) the same thing as, and interchangeable with, the "government" anyway.....



It is high time that the RACIST FASCIST BULLSHIT of the "N.R.A." was ENDED.


5 January 2011

One of my favourite tweets

One of my favourites of my own tweets comes back to me now. I don't know why.

I am quite proud of it. It is this.

"Mad Mel Philips gives a severe dent to any theory of the Jews as being a people of intellectuals."

Another fave of mine was:

"Things are so bad that I am vaguely concentrating on Kavanagh QC."


While we're at it - another classic of concision:

"I have purchased an Aria Giovanni Love Doll. I have no comment at this point."    :D


And another treat:

"The Independent on Sunday's Sheepuality List: Featuring a List of (England and) Wales's most prominent sheepshaggers and sheepsexuals. Number 1: Citizen Sofa - famous urban peasant."

3 January 2011


Just went down the shops.
On the walk there Tony Benn popped up on my music player - a speech attacking PR.

He said that one drawback of PR is that under that system we could get "a coalition government that nobody voted for."

WELL - OBVIOUS POINT - and truly amazing it is too - is that this is EXACTLY what we have now got after this last election under "FPTP".


Even I was utterly shocked at the degree to which the prospect of a viable 3rd party in England has been annihilated.
The SDP has gone - and now so has the "Lib Dems." And hence also the Lberals or Whigs one of the oldest parties in English history.

ONE reason of course is the disappearance of the Labour Party and its replacement with the USDemocratPartyofEngland/NewLabour.

Now all that remains is the annihilation of the ConservativeParty/NewToriesUSRepublicanPartyofEngland to complete the set. This is well on its way.


I must repeat that this so-called "Coalition" is in reality a Conservative Government; and also that the office of "Deputy Prime Minister" is a complete fraud and fantasy.

FPTP is not supposed to generate coalitions, never has before and has not done this time.

English political culture is an embarrassment to Europe.