18 December 2010


Two political states that exist today - which are really very flimsy historical creations - "El Reino de Espan~a" and "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" have some of their origins and the origins of their names in the names of Roman PROVINCES of the IMPERIUM ROMANUM -


The creation of the state of the Kingdom of Spain in particular in 1492 was one of the birthplaces of modern political nationalism.... often a great evil......

In Roman thinking political states as we conceive them would have been nearly inconceivable....

The basis of Roman political organisation and thinking about the world in general was the CITY of course - the CIVITAS...

and after that perhaps the province PROVINCIA.......




It is fascinating - if a bit contrived - to compare the fact that it became absolutely illegal more or less overnight to be Jewish or Muslim in the Kingdom of Spain in 1492;
and very similarly - and for similar reasons - it became absolutely illegal more or less overnight to be a Roman Catholic Christian in the kingdom of England in about 1534.

Both of these measures - at that time - were "on pain of death".

Both these "staging posts" were also contemporaneous with the commencements of two of the biggest Empires in history - the Spanish Empire and the British Empire.


17 December 2010


The word "car" is just an abbreviation of "carriage"......


10 December 2010

Semplicemente non capisco!

David Aaronovitch was rambling about Freud on the radio the other day.

Freud should be left behind totally. That's one thing to get clear anyway.

Now. What Aaronovitch forgot to acknowledge was this - that Freud to a point is exactly what his name nearly says he is - A FRAUD.

Next - and this is something that I simply cannot understand - WHY IS AARONOVITCH and people like him NOT talking about FROMM and SZASZ and people like them?


Very odd how people in the media are always saying:

"People are leading busier and more hectic lives nowadays - trying to fit more and more in....."

What? You mean like - playing on computers ALL DAY?? :)

Socratic Dialogue

What's that? The Independent for kids?

It's actually called "The New i". Make of that what you will. :)

It's basically a condensed version of "The Independent".

Oh, I just assumed it was aimed at kids. Is it any good?

Yeah. It's a good idea. Bit superficial. I mean if you are too lazy to read "The Independent" or any normal paper why buy a paper at all??
Must be for people who are busy playing computer games or something. So a very socially responsible idea really. Not! :)

3 December 2010

Andre' Gorz

"For your one "job", I have with me all of Christendom."


1 December 2010

Some Recent Filosofical Hilarity

Just perusing "Zoo" magazine's "Real Girl Of The Year 2010!" competition. (For research only I assure you.) It's an odd title. Are they saying that Lucy Pinder for example is in some way not "real"?  I'll ask Baudrillard. 


I was feeling so fluey yesterday that I bought "Fishermans' Friend" tablets for the first time ever. That stuff is hardcore. The fisherman who invented them must have got fecking wet at some point. 


We're supposed to be some kind of advanced industrial civilisation. But a little bit of snow and it's like the Dark Ages all over again. Which is probably an improvement in some ways.


‎"Spinoza... would collect and train spiders to fight with one another and watch them doing so with gusto."   


‎"Bede is the only Englishman who made it into Dante's "Paradiso". 

Some might consider this a little too generous."



‎"The true aim of government is liberty." 

Benedict Spinoza.
