28 November 2010

"Management Consultant"

One of the hightlights of my year was Johann Hari's article on "Management Consultants."
The extent of the relief it gave me was cosmic and immense. Personally speaking, I know instantly, painfully and continuously that the CONCEPT of a "management consultant" is PURE RUBBISH and not just the reality.
So when Johann seemed to point this out briefly and tentatively it was a MASSIVE COSMIC RELIEF.


25 November 2010

"Economic Growth" is simply PURE BULLSHIT.

I am listening to discussion on Radio 4 about "economic growth."

My anger at what I hear is what has caused me to place my blog up before the world once again "warts and all.":)

Once "economists" start to question their measurements and their subject the extent of the "rot" can be seen.

ID EST:) - the extent of the unreality that constitutes most of what they go on about normally can be seen in the rubbish that they come out with when they question their basic assumptions.

I want people to question NOT JUST "GDP" - BUT "Value" ITSELF!!


MOREOVER - let's face it - it's high time - GDP is PURE BULLSHIT anyway!

I mean GDP means the (exchange) value of "the goods and services" "in a society" etc.

What's a "good"? What's a "service"? "Value" is an opinion! .......

So even that figure has little or nothing to do with the scale of physical production!!



21 November 2010

How can we POSSIBLY be in an "Age of Austerity"?

How can we POSSIBLY be in an "Age of Austerity"?

Has half the planet disappeared?

This is so obvious.

It is pure bullshit and propaganda.

AUSTERITY MUST involve a lack of resources.

What has caused a lack of resources?

There is no lack of resources.

18 November 2010



"For your one "job", I have with me all of Christendom."


A Guaranteed Basic Income of some kind is

-- inevitable

-- overdue

-- necessary

-- possible

-- easy to achieve and maintain

-- preferable to what we have now

-- has not happened till now merely due to cultural lag


Do comedians, footballers, newsreaders, DJs and other such people HAVE JOBS??

To answer this rhetorical question - because it seems that they don't have force unanswered nowadays - such is the inanimate dullness of people's intellects -


ALL "famous" people are BASICALLY TAKING THE PISS!!!! And they know it - and you know it!


17 November 2010

It's hardly begun

Not only is filosofy not finished. It has hardly begun.

6 November 2010

Where oh where is "The Sceptical Economist"????

There is a book entitled "The Sceptical Environmentalist"

My simple point is - where is the book entitled "The Sceptical Economist" ?

The second book would be far more needed - and far longer!

4 November 2010

The Tea Party

The Tea Party - what an AMAZING IRONY? - is named after an early American ANTI-IMPERIALIST and SOCIAL JUSTICE movement.

What does it represent ideologically now? Next to nothing.

It's a shame - there is so much in USAmerican history to feed upon for ideas about what to do with your country.

Amongst the first thing to do is face up to any wrong it MAY have perpetrated.

There is much within the USAmerican experience to be commended and to learn from.

Can we be friends again?

God bless America!


Another thing is that they say they are PRO-USA BUT WANT NO/LESS GOVERNMENT

? DUH!.
