30 November 2009


I am listening to a Radio 4 "Start the Week" debate on "terrorism".
These are some points about "terrorism" in my view:-

- in a sense, there is no such thing as "terrorism" - there is only war.....
  In other words so-called "terrorism" cannot be distinct or distinguished from "war", unless possibly we are talking about a specific tactic.
- there is state terrorism and non-state terrorism and state terrorism is historically far worse.
- .......

29 November 2009


The truth never dies.
This may sound mystical and Platonic, but I mean it in a specific philosophical sense.
The truth has no concrete existence. And yet it never dies.....

"The world is all that is the case."......

22 November 2009

22nd November 2009

Some people seem to resent people who don't have paid work.

Not only do people who do paid work look down on those who don't have paid work, they seem to RESENT those that don't have paid work.
They are taught to think like this by years of brutal bullshit.

My message to them is : THINK!

Who is the person who is being brainwashed?

They may reply: "The world works by the wages system. It can't work any other way."

My reply is "Not only could it easily work another way, it probably will HAVE TO work another way."

20 November 2009


So the European Union is to be run by a Belgian.
Belgium was a country that Europeans spent millions of lives fighting to save.

19 November 2009

Bought ze DVD of Bru:no

Ich have bort ze DVD of Bru:no. It is so gutt! I had vergessen how gutt it is!
Very funny und excellent extra scenes!

18 November 2009

They shouldn't even pass quality control

The Conservatives are so incompetent and insubstantial that they shouldn't even be on the ballot.
They shouldn't even pass "quality control."

17 November 2009

One or the other?

Some people say: nationalism is inevitable.

I say: anarchism is inevitable.

It is certainly more in accordance with reality.

Does it have to be one or the other?

7 November 2009

Please Let's Have A Climate Deal!

Please let's have a climate deal and save the world!

6 November 2009

World Exclusive: I Once Had A Paid Job

The world will reel in shock at the revelation that I once had a paid job.
I can't deny it. It is true.
The truth is leaking out: I was a "medical records clerk" at Whipps Cross Hospital in Leytonstone East London for about 5 months in 1990-1991.
So miracles do happen.
I see this as my kind of Non-Military National Service.
I think this job is done by computers now.

5 November 2009

Charles the Third? One was enough!

Charles the Third? One was enough!

"The Death of the Intellectual"


Excellent article.

Well I personally am still alive. Just about.