7 August 2007

Why should a lawyer have to say things like this?

Straight from the horse's mouth. Couldn't have put it better myself:

"Lord Hoffmann, ruled that there is no

"state of public emergency threatening the life of the nation"- the only basis on which Britain is entitled to exercise its opt-out from article five of the European convention, the right to liberty."

It was the anti-terror laws introduced by Mr Blunkett which posed a threat, he declared.

"The real threat to the life of the nation, in the sense of a people living in accordance with its traditional laws and political values, comes not from terrorism but from laws such as these." "

Lord Hoffmann,

regarding NewLabourUSDemocrat PartyofEngland Terrorism/AntiTerrorism Policies.

Why should a lawyer have to say things like this?

Perhaps a constitution would help.