1 September 2016

Human nature

Sexual orientation or sexuality is not intrinsic, immutable or fixed. People are just SEXUAL.

Cultural identity is not intrinsic, immutable or fixed. People are just HUMAN.


22 June 2016


Re-launch. June 2016.

I haven't had this blog up for ages. And I haven't posted anything new on it for ages. A couple of years at least.
I am now re-launching it. Bit with quite a few cuts and changes.

Because I have fully lost my faith and am now no longer a Christian of any kind.
This has made quite a difference to the content of the blog.
And made for a great liberation of my life.

I have also totally lost any faith I had in nationalism of any kind.
It is a great liberation to be free from both religion and nationalism which I both regard as utter bullshit.

I was always on my way to losing my faith and had already posted that I thought religion is bullshit several years ago.
Only this time it is much more complete.
Whilst I had written that I was still indulging in various religious practices and continued some associated beliefs.
I would say that I am no longer a "Cultural Christian". I am no longer a Christian of any kind.
I am a thorough-going atheist.

I have re-launch the site with some deletions. Which are on-going. There may be things I still need to delete because I no longer agree with them.

But I have decided to put the blog back up whilst this process of change goes on.
