4 January 2007

Some say socialism=democracy and freedom=equality

Some say that

socialism = democracy

e.g. Tony Benn:-

"Popular demands for political, economic and social rights have been a constant theme throughout our history. Since these demands were for equality in the control of political power it follows that when that power is acquired the next demand will be to use it to achieve greater equality of treatment in every aspect of life. This is the bridge which links democracy with socialism and merges the arguments for one with the arguments for the other."

"It is not possible to conceive of a socialist society with any future that denies political democracy, nor is it conceivable that real political democracy could fail to lead to greater social equality and socialism."

Tony Benn, p.xii, Preface, "Arguments for Democracy".

and that

freedom = equality

e.g. Anarchists:-

"Anarchists are extreme libertarian socialists, "libertarian" meaning the freedom from prohibition, and "socialist" meaning the demand for social equality."

"Freedom and equality are sometimes represented as antagonists, but at the extremes they coincide. Complete freedom implies equality, since if there are rich and poor, the poor cannot be permitted to take liberties with riches. Complete equality implies freedom, since those who suffer restrictions cannot be the equals of those who impose them."

"Anarchists will not be happy with anything less than complete freedom and complete equality..."

p.10 "What is Anarchism", Freedom Press.

I think they have a point. Though of course it needs a bit of explaining....

I'm a green anyway and have been all my adult life.

At the end of the day, there are humans, (other) animals, the planet, the universe. And that's it.
More or less.
