Germaine Greer is absolutely right about so-called "trans-sexuality".
I think Germaine Greer was totally right and absolutely within her rights to say that a man who detaches his penis does not become a woman by doing so. An 100% physical sex change is medically impossible and more people should say so. "Feeling like" a member of the opposite sex does not give anyone the automatic right to try to become one - not that this would even be possible. This is obvious. Furthermore, it is in no way a medical condition to "feel like" a member of the opposite sex.
Feelings cannot be illnesses. It is a logical and semantic error to call a feeling an illness.
There is no intrinsic tendency in humans for them to be "born into" the wrong sex.
This is a biological impossibility.
"Trans-sexuality" does not exist as an intrinsic human tendency or a medical condition.
People are free to label themselves as they like and have whatever medical procedures performed on them that they like. But they don't have the right to prevent me from pointing out that sex changes are not really biologically possible.
Also, I do think that so-called full "sex change" operations should not be officially recognized by medicine nor provided by state-funded health systems, nor that "transsexualism" should be recognized as a medical or social condition.
Why does merely pointing out the above truths and expressing such opinions somehow turn me into some kind of nazi - according to a very dominant strand in contemporary Western political culture?
I am an ardent anti-nazi, anti-fascist and anti-racist and I resent that just because I express scepticism with regard to so-called "trans-sexualism" I am somehow associated with nazism, fascism and racism. I am very much in favour of freedom and tolerance.
Germaine Greer's remarks about "trans-sexual" rights