James Joyce is a very boring writer. "A bowl of lather" - a phrase occurring in the first sentence of "Ulysses" - sums up the whole thing. Discuss.
Does a geographer ONLY study volcanoes, floods and earthquakes?
NO! So why do "psychologists" and "neuroscientists" sometimes seem to go on about only so-called "disorders"?
If "psychosis" is a "break with reality" then our entire economic discourse is "psychotic". Discuss.
Does a geographer ONLY study volcanoes, floods and earthquakes?
NO! So why do "psychologists" and "neuroscientists" sometimes seem to go on about only so-called "disorders"?
If "psychosis" is a "break with reality" then our entire economic discourse is "psychotic". Discuss.
If I shag a sheep - and it does happen to a lucky few - then what percentage "sheepsexual" am I? (Socratic Question).
Where in the Bible or any other work of fiction does Jesus say "Thou shalt burn books"?
It's explicit - the guy said "Love your enemy!" - if he existed. TANTUM RELIGIO POTUIT SUADARE MALORUM.
It's amazing that people in the USA want to burn books and impede mosque-building!
It sent thousands of its finest sons off to die in order vanquish people who did the same - people who burnt books and burnt synagogues to the ground - the Nazis!
There is no necessary link or Special Relationship between the USA and England nor between the USA and the State of Israel.
The USA is an independent secular republic. One of the first anti-imperialist entities in history.
The USA - especially since 1945 - has also been probably the most imperialist entity in human history.
Where in the Bible or any other work of fiction does Jesus say "Thou shalt burn books"?
It's explicit - the guy said "Love your enemy!" - if he existed. TANTUM RELIGIO POTUIT SUADARE MALORUM.
It's amazing that people in the USA want to burn books and impede mosque-building!
It sent thousands of its finest sons off to die in order vanquish people who did the same - people who burnt books and burnt synagogues to the ground - the Nazis!
There is no necessary link or Special Relationship between the USA and England nor between the USA and the State of Israel.
The USA is an independent secular republic. One of the first anti-imperialist entities in history.
The USA - especially since 1945 - has also been probably the most imperialist entity in human history.