26 October 2010

"Philosophy is the only subject" and other treat tweets!

Philosophy is the only subject.

That is why it is a compulsory subject in France between 11 and 18.

I don't necessarily propose anything at all in the light of this.

I do think that there is maybe scope for doing things differently in England in the light of this however.


Salvaged tweets:

Pope Boniface XXIII founded the University of Salari in 1178 in order to:
"boost the local economy and make sure middle class people had jobs."

Universities weren't founded to get people jobs - which has to be their purpose now.
They were founded to impart knowledge.
In the sense that this was what they once did - they have at present entered into a decline, as compared to their past.


Good to see the economy's been growing - must have been all that watering I gave it, and the nice sunshine.

In market news, three large chickens and a pound of potatoes were sold at a small farmers market in Upper Silesia earlier today.


The economy "growing" means a "growth" in value - I assume?

Is this "exchange value"?

Is not value of any kind merely an opinion?


People can earn as much as they like - indeed they do - what I fail to understand is some Americans' objection to providing everyone with their basic needs?
