3 September 2010

More simplistic ramblings

So we asked an economist - will there be more wealth and more resources?

He answered - this will obviously and ultimately be determined by human action!

So we asked an economist - will poor people get wealthier?

He answered - this will obviously and ultimately be determined by human action - id est if the rich give the poor more money and or resources....



Also there is an interesting comparison between "Economics" and Astrology.

People go to astrologers to see what it going to happen in the future.

People also often go to people called "economists" - once again supposedly to find out what is going to happen in the future.

I put it to you that :-

- The "economist" has no more clue as to what is going to happen than the astrologer and is no more scientific than the astrologer and
also that

What will happen will principally be determined by freely chosen human action!


Another thing I want to salvage:

SPORT is PRIMARILY a recreation!!

NOT a business, an industry, a profession......

