16 October 2008

Why I still vote and will always vote

(*under intellectual construction*)

Anarchists are (mainly) opposed to voting.
Among other things it is regarded as giving consent to be governed.

I regard myself as an anarchist: yet:
I have always voted, still vote and will always vote, whilst there is a vote and whilst there is still government.

I even think voting or expressed registered abstention should be compulsory.

Proportional Representation should be guaranteed as well.


As an anarchist I suppose I should look towards a time when there is no government and hence no voting as currently conceived.
The essential principle of anarchism is individual autonomy. I will not rule and I will not be ruled.
Well if voting is merely part of organisation and not part of government then I am not opposed to it.....


I am an anarchist who votes.

I will attempt to explain why I vote.

[I do not regard voting as consent to be governed I regard it as consenting to be governed with certain conditions....]

I regard voting as a step towards giving more power to people, to individuals.
A step in the right direction.

I regard it as pragmatic to vote.

I regard a society where there is a parliamentary democracy where people can vote, as better than a governed society where there is no vote and almost always better that what went before it.

I regard it as giving consent to be governed less. Maybe like a stepping stone...
I regard it as a way to have more power and more of a say in what goes on.

Many people fought and died to secure universal suffrage and this should never be forgotten.
The benefits that voting has secured for people are many.

I regard voting as voluntary co-operation in organisation.

In a free non-governed society voting of some kind may still be necessary.

I believe in real democracy.
I am against governments: I am a true democrat.

I am even in favour of more voting! On more issues!

If voting means having a say in what goes on then surely we must be in favour of it, and more of it!

More democracy! And less government!... if that makes sense.
These are incomplete ramblings in which I am trying to work out what I think....

But at the present time I still say I have always voted, I do vote and I will always vote.

*under construction*

*Socratic dialogue*

The alternative to the ballot is often the jackboot.


But how can you want freedom, no government and individual autonomy and still vote?
It doesn't make sense.
It is agreeing to government.

I still vote because it gives me a chance of obtaining more freedom!


Saying that "voting has never changed anything" is a bald lie.
I can give lots of examples.
I suppose the people who say "voting never changes anything" really mean "voting never changes anything worth changing."
If that's what they mean, then that's what they should say.
But voting definitely has changed things and can change things to some extent.

Can voting harm? That depends on who you vote for.
Is "signaling consent to be governed" as it is seen by anarchists, actually doing any harm?

I still say VOTE!

even if you are an anarchist.
