22 March 2007

Thursday 22nd March - The Green Belt

So they want to build all over the green belt? Lunacy!
Why don't they develop other areas of England?
Where will it end? That's what the question should be.
The "Policy Exchange" - a rival think tank:) - advises that they should go ahead and build all over the green belt because we want to be a big player - a major economy - etc.
But when do we stop? And why not develop Liverpool or somewhere else?
And make London sensible as it is. i.e. Make what we have built more sensibly used and affordable etc.

Incidentally, why are all "think tanks" right wing? Why don't they say this is blahdeeblah from the communist thinktank "Leftia":) or whatever?
Incidentally, what is a think tank and what do think tank employees do all day? Sit around thinking?
Incidentally, can I have a job on one please?

Rightwing and leftwing still have meaning and always will in my view by the way....