5 June 2012

Not a lot of people know this.....


These are LATIN terms.

In English they could be rendered as MAN SKILFUL, MAN ERECT, MAN WISE...

Note that the Latin terms maintain the SEPARATION of the elements involved. ....

The (more Germanic) constructions

"homosexuality" "psychopathology" "neuroscience" "psychotherapy" "psychiatry"........

.....include TWO elements combined into ONE word.

In my opinion, there are often TWO elements that CANNOT be combined in any way - and hence certainly not into ONE word in a healthy way.

(Germanic languages supposedly are more amenable to science due to this facility with SYNTHETIC language - id est combining concepts or words into ONE word. Whilst this can be helpful it can perhaps lead to major conceptual error in my opinion.....).....

Language does matter.

To take "homosexuality" - this comes from the GREEK "homo" = "same" + "sexuality" etc.

By the way, "homo" is LATIN for "[hu]man".
And "homo" is GREEK for "same, equal, like, similar" (Opposite of "Hetero" - "different").

[Possible sauce :) of confusion.]



All of which reminds me of the "KISS" principle.....

K.I.S.S. "Keep It Simple, Son" - is often a good principle. :D

Simplicity should not be a pejorative element in things necessarily.....

"Keep things as simple as possible - but no simpler" (Albert Einstein). Good science! ......


(Incidentally, one can't help see the similarity between the phenomenon of "squashing" two words together into one as described above, and features of Orwell's invented dystopic language "Newspeak"......)...