1 December 2010

Some Recent Filosofical Hilarity

Just perusing "Zoo" magazine's "Real Girl Of The Year 2010!" competition. (For research only I assure you.) It's an odd title. Are they saying that Lucy Pinder for example is in some way not "real"?  I'll ask Baudrillard. 


I was feeling so fluey yesterday that I bought "Fishermans' Friend" tablets for the first time ever. That stuff is hardcore. The fisherman who invented them must have got fecking wet at some point. 


We're supposed to be some kind of advanced industrial civilisation. But a little bit of snow and it's like the Dark Ages all over again. Which is probably an improvement in some ways.


‎"Spinoza... would collect and train spiders to fight with one another and watch them doing so with gusto."   


‎"Bede is the only Englishman who made it into Dante's "Paradiso". 

Some might consider this a little too generous."



‎"The true aim of government is liberty." 

Benedict Spinoza.
