Read an excellent book, "Psychiatry: The Science of Lies" by Thomas Szasz.
Short and sweet.
Very interesting points made about social or human sciences - if there can be such things - as opposed to natural or physical sciences.
It is a philosophical question whether or not there can even be a social science. One reason is that in such a case we are the things that we are studying.
"Psychology is not a science, but the hope of a science." William James - U.S.American, one of the "founding fathers" of modern psychology.
Such humility is still needed today - and will always be needed. One reason is that in the case of psychology it is we ourselves that we are studying.
Szasz seems to be as critical of psychology as he is of psychiatry.
Very good exposure of Freud.
There is also an interesting discussion of Lord Acton, the originator of the well-used statement that "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
It is not well known that Acton was a Catholic and that these words were regarding his views on the questionable and at the time (the late 19th century) very new doctrine of Papal infalibility.
I have now read four books by Szasz.
"The Myth of Mental Illness".
"Insanity - the Idea and its Consequences."
"Insanity - the Idea and its Consequences."
"Coercion as Cure: A Critical History of Psychiatry"
"Psychiatry: The Science of Lies."