9 December 2006

Alistair G Student Profile


Monday 11th December 2006.

This is my new locale.

I have suddenly realised that all of this blog might be bullshit.:)


I am sort of stuck here:

ALI G: I is here with none other than me main man Tony Benn. So Mr.Benn you keep banging on about the right to work? What about the right NOT to work? ....What if you just want to chill?

What is the answer to this question?

Is there a right not to work:)?

Everyone is free and they are free to chose not to work but this pretty much goes against human nature and will obviously have some kind of implications for the person who choses not to work.

I think Mr Benn said that people want to work and have the right to a job.....
Yeah but.... do you have the right to work? or the right not to work?

I suppose what happens in real practice is what ought to happen in a funny kind of way:
I suppose the only work you have to do is what needs to be done for you to survive....

But surely that's the whole point. Surely it is the case that if the only work done was the work that needed to be done in order for us to survive then surely there would be a great deal less work to be done...... ??


Saturday, December 09, 2006
Sat 09 Dec
Right well where were we.
flipping heck lighten up.
Here's something I texted to Question Time the other day with great urgency.
I don't think anyone really answered it.
"If Iraq is now a sovereign democracy then surely it is up to their government whether our forces stay or go."
Does Iraq have the constitutional right to ask the US and England to leave?
That's the question I want answered. There's certainly an answer but I'm not likely to hear it on the news.
Anyway. My hibernation is in full swing.
I am trying to work out why the government is laying into benefit thieves.
It's a drop in the ocean compared to tax fraud. But rich people are powerful so we don't want to stop them dodging tax.
They want to get people off benefits to save money.
Because socio-economic power is moving from the state to businessmen basically and so the state needs all the money it can get.

More likely that they don't want anyone getting the idea that rich people don't deserve or didn't earn their fortunes. And that you have to work and get a job and that you don't get something for nothing in this world... etc.


Someone said to me the other day "caffeine bleeds the body of nutrients."
Now if that is 100% true why can't I find anywhere that says it on the internet?
What's the truth about caffeine? Why all the confusion?
I read a leaflet in the doctor's surgery saying coffee in moderation is not bad for you. 3 or 4 strong cups a day is fine, it says. I thought, "Great". I love it thought it makes me feel a bit shite in some ways. Anyway on closer inspection this leaflet was made by the Coffee Organisation of Britain or whatever. Kerching etc. Hmm...
