Awarded to myself. Four times.
Proud survivor of two unnecessary and criminal 5-month "tours of duty"/imprisonments in a so-called hospital in confined conditions where I was unnecessarily imprisoned without trial against my will and fed poisonous substances against my will.
I was also seriously assaulted by another detainee and on another occasion by a member of staff/jailor who faced no punishment for the crime of assaulting me. I lived in confined spaces with 20 other people and this could often lead to confrontation.
All these things are a crime. It may be hard to recognise this but it's true.
Psychiatry's Electro-Convulsive Shock "Treatment" ("ECT") is also wholly unnecessary, totally pointless, totally bogus scientifically and a crime against humanity.
It is also very damaging.
Psychiatry is currently not scientific.
So alternative and homeopathic medicine is not to be funded by the NHS because it is not scientific enough?
When are they going to admit that psychiatry is also non-scientific? This is 2006 not 1006.
Quackery was all the rage at the mediaeval fair. But we can now get to the moon.
We are supposed to have science at our disposal to solve problems.
How deluded we are if we think that science has been allowed to pervade all areas of human life.
"..some doctors still think that a person with depression needs ongoing antidepressants, in the same way that a person with diabetes needs insulin. This is a poor comparison. Diabetes is a physical condition with clear causes that are well understood. Insulin is natural hormone with a very specific role in the body, and shouldn't be considered a drug. Taking it by injection causes few side effects. The same is not true of ANY psychiatric drug."
"Experts are still not sure about the role of psychiatric drugs in controlling moods, emotions and other aspects of the life of the mind. We don't know how they interact with life events and other environmental factors. The most problematic group of psychiatric drugs, the anti-psychotics, developed simply because they were seen to work.
On the basis that these drugs seemed to have a helpful effect, a key theory about psychosis - the "dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia" - was constructed. In other words, the drugs were not developed to meet an error of chemical activity in the brain that was already identified and there is still argument about whether this theory is correct."
This is the antithesis of science.
A cursory examination of psychiatry reveals it to be non-scientific at the present time.
Let's hope someone somewhere is working on this. It needs to be re-thought as a medical speciality. Mental problems should be solved by those who study "the mind" and they are psychologists. The mind is at the least a concept. It is entirely dependent on the brain a physical organism. The links between "the mind" and the physiology of the body should be studied by human biologists and when these links are established progress can be made.
Someone needs to speak out for the millions of victims of psychiatry because they are often very marginalised.
Psychiatry can sometimes serve the function of mopping up those who unsurprisingly continue to be unable to cope with an insane society.
That's one reason why the victims keep coming. The "medication" that psychiatry dispenses which is almost always toxic is often nothing other than a "chemical cosh." How far we still have to come.
Psychiatric medication always works by impairing bodily function, never by curing an imbalance or anything else. The medical and scientific equivalent of cutting off your leg because you have grazed your knee.
"I sumbit that the traditional definition of psychiatry, which is still in vogue, places it alongside such things as alchemy and astrology, and commits it to the category of pseudo-science."
Thomas Szasz.
"The Myth of Mental Illness". 1962.
Are we heading in the right direction?
The current emphasis on therapy of some kind is definitely most welcome in my view.......
There is even a case for abolishing psychiatry as a medical specialism.
It's conception of "mental illness" is profoundly mistaken and it is a mistake that we are exporting around the globe with the usual arrogance of the "West."
I think that there is no such thing as a "mental illness."
Strictly speaking there cannot be a "mental illness", there can only be a physical illness.
It is a logical and semantic error like a "square circle."
To describe thoughts and/or behaviour of a person as exhibting a "mentally illness" is essentially the same as saying "I disapprove of the thoughts and/or behaviour of that person.".
You can have a mental condition, mental distress, psychological condition and psychological distress.
And you can use the terms "mental illness" and "mental health" as metaphors but they can lead to muddled thinking.
The mind cannot be "ill" or "healthy" as it is not a physical organism.
The mind has no physical existence since it is a just a CONCEPT.
It therefore cannot be sick or ill (except metaphorically).
What we call the mind is entirely sustained by the biological system of the body.
However it is not a physical system.
The mind can be spoken of as "ill" but only as a METAPHOR.
Only physical organisms can be "ill" and "healthy".
To be continued.
Some lies of our time:
"i) Schizophrenia is a brain disease."
"ii) Schizophrenia exists in all cultures."
These are lies presented as facts. There is no evidence whatsoever to sustain these assertions.
Both found in a publication from around the year 2000 by UK psychiatrists.
The simple truth is that schizophrenia does not exist, and that at the present time conventional psychiatry is non-scientific.
These lies are effectively propaganda for what is amongst other things a system of social control. "Schizophrenia" is an ethnocentric concept if it is a concept at all.
In scientific terms the term "schizophrenia" is comparable to the term "phlogiston", except that the invention of the term "phlogiston" was based on better logic.
The term "schizophrenia" evolved as another term for "dementia praecox" - which literally means premature dementia - something that it no longer means.
It is a relic of early 20th century pseudo-science. A bit like the "Labour Theory of Value" is 19th century quasi-mystical pseudo-science.
"The experience and behavior that gets labeled schizophrenic is a special strategy that a person invents in order to live in an unlivable situation.” R.D. Laing.
The idea that "schizophrenia" - something that does not exist - can be called a "disease" represents a dishonesty and illogicality that is hard to comprehend.
Unless, perhaps, we are talking about oppression, labelling and social control. And maybe pharmaceutical profits. Or maybe just inertia and authority.
A psychiatrist has the power to imprison, poison and electrocute any individual.
Including you.
In my opinion, there is no specific condition, disease, disorder or illness whether psychological, biological or of any kind called "schizophrenia".
Psychiatry is still in the early twentieth century.
"Prozac: How it works. Prozac stimulates the brain's production of the enzyme serotonin, which can cause loss of libido. The enzyme also boosts self-esteem and helps people overcome negative and obsessive emotions..."
"The Independent On Sunday", 25th June 2006.
Well I never!
An enzyme that "boosts self-esteem"?
Hmmm....If there truly were an enzyme that directly boosted self-esteem then well er... we would be fine wouldn't we? :)
The idea that there is an enzyme that boosts self-esteem is obviously patent nonsense.
Does cocaine "boost self-esteem"?
It has been said that unhappiness is not a medical problem.............
If depression has been called "malignant sadness", the normal emotion of sadness gone haywire, then maybe what sometimes gets labelled "schizophrenia" could be "malignant imagination" the normal and fundamental mental faculty of imagination gone haywire.
After all maybe in a sense our entire mind is made up by imagination since we re-create almost every sense perception in our brain to make it a sense perception.
Who has had a "delusion", a "hallucination" and "an inappropriate emotional response" (whatever that is?) (all descriptions that have been used to describe what "schizophrenia" involves)? I would say probably everybody.
In my case I know there are reasons why I feel upset/depressed/negative whatever you want to call it. There are reasons. And these reasons involve things in my life. Not chemicals.
I think that's the case for most people.
In real terms, at the present time in the UK "schizophrenia" is a catch-all term for people who are regarded as "seriously mentally ill". And even the latter term is perhaps the same as little more than "very distressed."
I heard Dorthy Rowe speak at the Anarchist Bookfair and, amongst other things, she said that there is strictly speaking no such thing as a lie-detector. It is incorrect science. Obvious really.
I wish she spoke more and carried on the pro-psychology cause within the psychiatric establishment. She spoke about power. I sometimes feel very powerless. She said we all have power. I suppose she has a point of a kind. She spoke about how governments and religions manipulate us by using fear. She is a great inspiration.
Some people think they can do anything to animals.
The RSPCA don't.
Psychiatrists do.
"Don't conform, won't conform, can't conform??
Then we will persecute you, poison you, incarcerate you, mutilate you, electrocute you." :
This is one possible interpretation of psychiatry's message to the world.