29 March 2010


Economics is about VALUE.

Politics is about POWER.

But VALUE is not necessarily always all about POWER.

POWER always means power OVER something, doesn't it?


23 March 2010

Zizek on "The Hurt Locker"

"In its very invisibility, ideology is here, more than ever: we are there, with our boys, identifying with their fear and anguish instead of questioning what they are doing there."

Zizek on "The Hurt Locker."

Maybe so.

But I don't even think this film was good enough to actually be theorised about. (Joke).

19 March 2010

The World's 20 Worst Universities


"Is "Britain"'s international ranking in higher education likely to fall?"

What ranking? For a start, Cambridge and Oxford STILL give out FAKE DEGREES.

The Independent today published a list of the "world's 20 best universities" - see link above.

I think these universities are probably the world's 20 worst universities.
And I reserve my right to make this comment seeing as it is probably just as absurd as saying they are the world's 20 best universities.

This shows breathtaking Anglo-American cultural imperialism and arrogance.

I do of course see some signs of evidence to the contrary.

Now that such places are ENTIRELY fee-paying - they are liable to be not concerned with anything much other than the student's ability to pay.

They are like International "finishing schools"....