13 March 2009

Charity Telethons

Every time I watch a charity telethon like Children in Need, Live Aid or Comic Relief, I always, probably like everyone, have the nagging thought - "Shouldn't the government be solving all these problems anyway?" It's as if they are saying "Please help this girl with alcoholic parents because if you don't no one else will. OK?"
Shouldn't the government be working to create a developed world, to help with social problems in the UK etc.?
And then the actual amount of money they make is quite small in global terms....
The Euromillions jackpot tonight is 14 million.
Comic Relief will only make about 30 million tops.
Talk about Albert Camus and the Absurdity of it all.

At least two further criticisms should be made.
Such telethons encourage the view that once you've given a little at the time of the telethons then you have "done your bit" and your commitment to charity can then be forgotten.
Furthermore, they help the careers of celebrities and encourage the celebrity industry.