Friday, May 19, 2006
Loyal to Lovely
Another (in my view:) interesting blog from the sunny cyber land of Lovely.
I am a citizen of Lovely. Why don't you join up too at:
From the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:-
"Article 15.(1) Everyone has the right to a nationality.(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights Adopted and proclaimed by UN General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948 "
Are the UN denying King Danny and Lovelians their human rights?
The country of Lovely has no more nor no less right to exist than any other country or state.
Countries or, more accurately perhaps, states, are completely arbitrary and, ultimately, an absurdity.
Countries and nationalism are in a sense an absurdity. We're all humans.
"My country is the world; my religion is to do good."
Tom Paine.
Long live King Danny!
"A STATE [is] An arbitrarily-defined part of the earth's surface, occasionally having a human population with a common culture and language, which is more or less cut off from all other parts of the world and forms the geographical base for centralised and hierarchical control of its human population by powerful elites. The division of the world into states is a condition so much taken for granted that we almost never stop to think why we have states at all, why we need them, and what the world might be like without them..."
John Button, Dictionary of Green Ideas, 1988.
The lovely cyberland of Lovely is also where I picked up my internet name, CitizenSofa.
Lovely - King Danny's country - is in fact a flat. So my thought process was that some of the furniture might be citizens of Lovely.
Then one of my proposals for the name of the country was "Union of Sofa Socialist Republics" which, even though I say it myself, is quite funny.
Armchair Anarchists and Sofa Socialists abound on these kind of sites after all.
So that's how I came up with my name.
I was briefly Citizen Bidet on the message boards because I believe in bidets as opposed to the disgusting English invention of toilet paper.... Don't get me started.
Then I changed to Citizen Sofa.
I don't really like it anymore but I am sort of stuck with it.
I am not sure if I want to be a "citizen" of anywhere. I am an anarchist.
I suppose I could still change it. Might well do.
Loyal to Lovely
Another (in my view:) interesting blog from the sunny cyber land of Lovely.
I am a citizen of Lovely. Why don't you join up too at:
From the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:-
"Article 15.(1) Everyone has the right to a nationality.(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights Adopted and proclaimed by UN General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948 "
Are the UN denying King Danny and Lovelians their human rights?
The country of Lovely has no more nor no less right to exist than any other country or state.
Countries or, more accurately perhaps, states, are completely arbitrary and, ultimately, an absurdity.
(Maybe states are to a point a necessary evil and a necessary absurdity. I am not so sure.)
Countries and nationalism are in a sense an absurdity. We're all humans.
"My country is the world; my religion is to do good."
Tom Paine.
Long live King Danny!
"A STATE [is] An arbitrarily-defined part of the earth's surface, occasionally having a human population with a common culture and language, which is more or less cut off from all other parts of the world and forms the geographical base for centralised and hierarchical control of its human population by powerful elites. The division of the world into states is a condition so much taken for granted that we almost never stop to think why we have states at all, why we need them, and what the world might be like without them..."
John Button, Dictionary of Green Ideas, 1988.
The lovely cyberland of Lovely is also where I picked up my internet name, CitizenSofa.
Lovely - King Danny's country - is in fact a flat. So my thought process was that some of the furniture might be citizens of Lovely.
Then one of my proposals for the name of the country was "Union of Sofa Socialist Republics" which, even though I say it myself, is quite funny.
Armchair Anarchists and Sofa Socialists abound on these kind of sites after all.
So that's how I came up with my name.
I was briefly Citizen Bidet on the message boards because I believe in bidets as opposed to the disgusting English invention of toilet paper.... Don't get me started.
Then I changed to Citizen Sofa.
I don't really like it anymore but I am sort of stuck with it.
I am not sure if I want to be a "citizen" of anywhere. I am an anarchist.
I suppose I could still change it. Might well do.